sábado, 12 de octubre de 2019

Short-Term Training Meeting

We are starting to work on LGTB at school!!!!

Teachers from Belgium, Germany, Romania and Spain have met in Málaga (IES La Rosaleda) for a brief training course.
Before working with our students we wanted to learn how to get the best of eTwinning. Belgium has led this course. But the most important part of this training was meeting social agents that have been working on LGTB rights for a long time and know first hand what schools should do or should avoid doing.

We met Apoyo Positivo to Know about their experience working on LGTB rights, Chrysallis Andalucia,which is a trans- minor’s families association, to know their point of view about schools, Ersamus Students Network that shared their opinion as students and IES Politécnico Jesús Marín that has been working on Diversity at school since 2011 .
They all have been extremely generous, coming to school for free just to teach us how implement good practices at school
After all these meetings one idea is clear: If we want to make our students feeling confortable at school, if we want to include all of them, normalizing and making visible is absolutley necessary. We have to show different options so everybody can feel included. And this is our aim for this project. School are places not only for cisheterosexual people but for all of us.


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