viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2019
After elaborating our diagnosis test among our students to know the current situation in our school, we decided to provide our community with a new tool to fight against any kind of discrimination. So we bought a tasteless mailbox.
And we turned it into........
From now on, any studentn or member of our community will have the possibility to denounce anonymously any case of LGTB discrimination, abuse or insults.Every month this mailbox will be opned by a teacher and another member from our school community and they will register all the complaints they find. This method will provide us with an objective tool to check up what's the situation like in our school and if we are improving or not. However, some students have sugested us to use our LGTB Mailbox in a more effective way. Not only to send complaints but also to propose activities or any other improvement proposals. We have inmediatly accepted, as students should be the main characters of this project and no good idea should be wasted. We really hope to find no complaints and thousand os activities.
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