lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020


     The more we work in this project, the clearer seems to us that the only way to keep schools alive is that teachers keep willing to continue training and learning new practices to improve our job. That's what we did during this weekend in November, we joined the IX FELGTB Congress celebrated this year in Sevilla, whose main aim is to fight against LGTBphobia at school.

     Many workshops were organized, related to new models of families, emotional intelligence...But we chose the one closest to the topic we were working on: LGTB Bullying. This workshop was led by Javier Ojeda, social worker and FELGTB (Lesbians, Gays, Transexuals and Bisexuals State Federation) collaborator.

     He gave us a very valuable information about the situation a the schools in Spain and a very interesting lecture about the reasons of the lgtbphobic bullying. Some of his conclusions were very close to the ones we obtained through our school diagnosis, specially the lack of visibility of this community at the school and the ignorance about it. 
We have to mention one of the topic of his lecture concerning structural violence at the school, which is something that usually is not taken into consideration. The only use of heteronormative language, the lack of LGTB personalities in the school books, the presumption that everyone is cis-heterosexual is a kind of violence too, as it spread the idea that cis-heterosexuality is a kind of rule that has to be followed. Besides, teenagers need models of reference and our school books lack of LGTB ones. They simply present the same that were used one three hundred years ago: Western white hererosexual men.

In addition to this, we were given some useful tools to fight against lgtbphobic discrimination and to prevent it.

- To take actions on any lgtbphobic comments
- To talk naturally about LGTB and lgtbphobia
-To promote students groups cohesion
- Don't reinforce cis heteronormative models. On the opposite, it's necessary to make visible the diversity of bodies, sexual orientations and ways of living our own sexuality.
- Don't perpetuate stereotypes and prejudices.
-To promote tutoring about sexual diversity.

     Finally, some examles of good practices were presented, so we can learn from their experience. For example, the one carried out by IES Campanillas in Málaga who shared with us their progress working on this topic and gave us very good ideas about what can be done in the school.

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