domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020
On Valentine´s day, we decided to make visible different kinds of love.
Tradicionally this day is dedicated to those who love. Nevertheless, at the end, only white cis hetersosexual couples are represented on mass medias. This narrow and limited depiction of love contributes to spread stereotypes and to ignore the huge amount of natural ways of loving.
On the other hand,on March 8th is the Women's Day. Many languages use the term "being alone" to refer a girl or woman who hasn´t got a boyfreind.This term just perpuates the idea that an emotional life needs a man. It doesn't matter if you have friends, families, a job you love or whatever. At the end, you are alone if you haven't got a boyfriend or husband. This prejudice contribute to strength dependence relationships. Our female teenagers have to know that they are quite capable to stand on their own feet, that it is possible to be single and to have an intense emotional life at the same time.This is specially important for the heterosexual women to prevent gender violence or toxic relationships, as it will help to empower them and to make them realize that any relationship should add more happiness in their life, but if it doesn't, there are still many other people and activities that give sense, enrich and fulfill our lives.
In order to get these two objectives mentioned above, we designed the following activity: taking pictures of whatever we love. It could be friends, books, families, partners...anything except a white cis heterosexual love. Nothing against this one, but it is already overrepresented on the media. We launched this actiivity on Instagram too, but, too be honest, we didn't have much succes. Maybe because we forgot to add a hashtag or maybe because it's difficult to succeed if you are not an influencer. However, next year we will try it harder.
Nevertheless, many students took part at school and sent beautiful pictures. With the best of them, we have created a mural that is located at the entrance. In return, we have sent to those who participated a bag with the logo of our project.
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