Talking about minorities means also to talk about bullying. Although no student is totally safe from suffering this kind of abuse, we have to admit that lgtb students are more likely to suffer it. In fact, this is one of the reasons why this project began.
Many people feel threatened by anything considered different, maybe because it gets us out of our confort zone and makes aus review our most basic ideas.
However, bullying is not that easy and if we want to fight against it, we have to start understanding how it works.
The psicologist Luis Rodríguez talked to our students about it. Not only from the victim's point of view, but also from the bully, and from the eyewitnesses.
First thing we have to do is to assist the victim; but this is not enough as the bully will continue acting and, sooner or later, will find someone new to abuse. It is necessary to work with this person too, to understand the reasons behind his or her actions, the consequences for the victim and for the bully and also for those who witness and keep silence.
This lecture was quite interesting as it was enriched with details of the psicologist's own experience. But the best was yet to come. Student had time to exchange their point of view and then we learnt something quite important. In their opinion, teachers ourselves, can contribute with our comments to lower our students' steem. Of course, it is not bullying at all; but, somehow, descredit some students or at least they feel they can not count on us if needed.
In this sense, students proposed to carry out workshops where they and the teachers work toguether.
So, if we finally want to work it out, it's absolutely essential to work together.